Tag Archives: 518’s best wedding dj

Dj Showcase volume 2 at Vapor Nightclub

29 Jul

This past saturday I had the pleasure to dj alongside some of the best dj’s in the area again.  DJ’s: Dread, Element and Nick Papa Giorgio and I collaborated for the second installmant of the Dj showcases’ at Vapor Nightclub.  The night started early as we all met up around 7 at the Garden Buffet.  The 4 of us met with J- Will (Jamz 96.3), the emcee and host of the night to discuss how we would go about splitting up time slots.  Dread, Nick Papa Giorgio, Element and I have been friends for over a decade so the meeting was simple, easy flowing and brief.  After business was conducted, it was time to eat!  I’m not really into eating at buffets but tonight not eating wasn’t an option.  I don’t know of a dj that can dj on an empty stomach.  So…when in Rome right? I went to town!  To my surprise, the Garden Buffet was really good.  If your at the racino,  I recommend you try it.  As the night progressed we learned that WCW’s Buff Bagwell was going to be joining us at the club.  As a dj, you have to love when you have an impromtu visit by a celebrity.  Buff was a lot of fun and a good sport as we all had fun flexing our muscles with him,  Check out the pics below.  Check out Deejay Element and I this weekend at Vapor Nightclub and stay tuned for the recap.  Until next time…ImageImage